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<a href="http://www.bastet-a-tet.ru" target=_blank><img src="http://www.bastet-a-tet.ru/img/banner3.gif" border=0 width="88" height="31" alt="«Bastet-a-tet» brithish shorthair cattery. Cultivation and sale of kittens of the British breed. Articles about cats, a photo of kittens."></a>
Link «Bastet-a-tet» brithish shorthair cattery. Cultivation and sale of kittens of the British breed. Articles about cats, a photo of kittens.
<a href="http://www.bastet-a-tet.ru" title="«Bastet-a-tet» brithish shorthair cattery.>«Bastet-a-tet» brithish shorthair cattery.</a><br>Cultivation and sale of kittens of the British breed. Articles about cats, a photo of kittens.